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ROME - The City Of The Kingdom, Republic and Empire.

The place we planned for our honeymoon trip with Gülnur was Rome. This plan was exciting because we both loved the history, Mediterranean culture and tastes, and indeed our trip was like that. Naturally, we compared Rome to Istanbul in many ways, at which point Rome might disappoint you; so I wouldn't recommend it. I still have to say this; When you compare Istanbul with Rome, you will see that Istanbul remains like a "space city". When you see the airport, train station, subways, trains and buses, you can come to you to give alms to the people by crying and crying. But! When it comes to history, the roles are changing suddenly. Yes, of course there are places that got their share from the sack; for example the Colosseum. However, after seeing Rome about keeping the history alive and preserving, you can sit next to a sidewalk for Istanbul and cry over your bosom "Vahaleeeey". Here are the travel notes; Fontana di Trevi  Or the "Fountain of Love...

Nestle Kit Kat or Kitto Katsu in Japan

When KitKat was launched in Japan, the Japanese immediately noticed something; "Kitto Katsu". The Japanese or Far Eastern communities in general are sensitive to good luck, bad luck, curse. For example, the number "4". Probably the most unfortunate number in Asian culture is 4. Its reading is “si” and it is similar to “şı” meaning “death”. Besides, the number "8" (hachi) is the most popular number in Asian culture due to its similarity to the Chinese word meaning wealth and wealth. Anyone remember the opening date of the Beijing Summer Olympics? Sing; At 08.08.08 the time is exactly at 08.08.08. This business has no advantages. For example, did you know that Nestle's KitKat chocolate is one of the most preferred chocolates in Japan? This is because chocolate is believed to bring good luck due to its name. When KitKat was launched in Japan, people immediately noticed something. Chocolate's name is...

A VW Drama; Trust Me If You Can!

A recent weeks, the world is shaking with VW's emission scandal. The question is; Will it be affected negatively on the VW's brand reputation or will it be affect of the sales decision of the potential customer? The answer of the first question is good yes.. And the second is no. Especially in the Turkey. Why? (Here's a documentary about the timeline of the event.) Because we neither don't care about god damned emission amounts of the our cars nor the health of the our environment. So, if it would have about the fraud of the fuel consumption, we would burn the whole world... Anyway, there is a good article about VW's serious and affect upon customers; Edward Boches says; "I've owned a few VWs in my lifetime. I bought them as much for the advertising as for the cars. VW's advertising made me feel good about the brand, the car and myself. And like anyone who has ever worked in the advertising industry, I've admired the work and even been je...

Is It Still The Same Brand?

That's an interesting article from Sean Miller about the life cycle of the brand and their managements. He's simpley asking that; If a brand changes its core offering and marketing approach gradually to the point where nothing of the original remains, is it still the same brand? Here's the Sean's approaching; For marketers with a head for brands, the idea of start-up-like shifts raises a question: if a brand changes its core offering and marketing approach gradually to the point where nothing of the original remains, is it still the same brand? Will a state of constant reinvention leave your brand adrift at sea? Some insight on this dilemma can be found in an ancient Greek paradox called "The Ship of Theseus." As a memorial to King Theseus, his ship was maintained for hundreds of years. Its rotting planks were gradually replaced until none of the original wood remained. Without any of the original components, was it still considered The Ship of Theseus? ...

Amerika'da Satılamayacak 14 Japon Markası

Refinery29 'un güzel bir makalesini gördüm;  Amerika'da Satılamayacak 14 Japon Markası (yazının orijinali burada ). Neden satılamayacak? Çünkü isimlerinden dolayı. İsim konusu marka yönetiminde hep sıkıntılı olmuştur. Hele uluslararası pazarda satılacak bir markanız varsa o zaman konu daha da hassaslaşıyor. Kullanılacak ismin farklı dillerde ne anlama gelebildiğini iyi araştırmanız gerek. Gerçi bu örnekte Japonlar buna gerek duymamış. Belki de bu ürünlerin pazarı olarak sadece Japonya (belki de bir de Asya ülkelerini) gördüler. İşte örnekler; Titty&Co Pocari Sweat To Be White Hard Off Moist Diane Couque D’asses Cream Collon Coolish Honda That’s Suzuki Hustler Daihatsu Naked Mandom Men’s Spray Super Hard Creap Country Ma’am what?   ySense!   yeeah!

Dünyayı Değiştiren 10 Marka (Vol 2)

Adweek 'in yayınladığı dünyayı değiştiren 10 markaya devam ediyoruz. Bu markalar harcama alışkanlıklarımızı da etkiledi, kimliğimizi de. Önce o 10 markayı hatırlayalım; 1. Amazon  2. Facebook  3. Gap 4. Hbo 5. McDonald's 6. Starbucks 7. Iphone 8. Visa 9. Viagra 10. Walmart  Starbucks 1971'de Seatle'da ilk dükkanı açıldığından bu yana çok mesafe kateden Starbuck bugün 61 ülkede 17.500 dükkanda insanlara kahve keyfi yaşatıyor. Türkiye gibi köklü bir kahve kültürüne sahip bir ülkede bile hızlı tutundu.  Geçen yıl 13.29 milyar $'lık satış yapmış olmaları başarının sayısal bir kanıtı. Starbucks "frappuccino", "Latte" gibi kavramları günlük konuşma dilimize sokmakla müşteri gözünde ne kadar "tutulan" bir marka olduğunu zaten gösterdi ama aynı zamanda çalışan memnuniyetinin de oldukça yüksek olduğu bir marka olduğu biliniyor. iPhone Steve Jobs tarafından 2007'de anons edilmesinden bu yana dünyada 380 mil...

Dünyayı Değiştiren 10 Marka - 10 Brands That Changed The World

Adweek  ilginç bir yayın paylaştı. Dünyayı değiştiren 10 marka. Bu markalar harcama alışkanlıklarımızı da etkiledi, kimliğimizi de... İşte o 10 marka; 1. Amazon  2. Facebook  3. Gap 4. Hbo 5. McDonald's 6. Starbucks 7. Iphone 8. Visa 9. Viagra 10. Walmart  Amazon Patronu Jeff Bezos finans sektöründeki işinden ayrılıp online ticaret sitesi açmaya karaar verir ve adını da "Cadabra" koyar (abra kadabra'daki kadabra). Ancak bazıları sitenin adını "kadavra"yla karıştırınca vazgeçip "Amazon" olarak değiştirir.  Niye Amazon derseniz; öncelikle "a" harfiyle başladığı için. O zamanlar arama motorlarında sıralama alfabetik olarak yapıldığından bu akıllıca bir seçim. Ayrıca içinde "a" ve "z" harfleri bulunmaktadır -ki ileride A'dan Z'ye sitede her şeyin satılacağını hayal ettiğinden bu da iyi bir çağırışım olur diye düşünür. Yanılmadığı ortada. Bugün Amazon'un 70 milyar $ ciroyla yılı kapat...