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Showing posts with the label low-code

A New BPM Perspective is Coming to Europe with 6Kare and Nuru-Tech Cooperation

Nuru-Tech, founded with the vision of bringing Turkish flexibility and European quality understanding together, is a bridge between the European business world and Turkish software companies. Accordingly, 6Kare Teknoloji and Nuru-Tech have signed a business partnership for the Emakin BPM product, which can meet the growing need for BPM (Business Process Management) software in the European business world. A photo from February, beautiful days without a virus. It is a fact that in the European business world, some basic needs in business process management are now an urgent need. For example, low-code architecture for increasing integration and additional development needs in parallel with growing company structure and business volume. Also, multi-tanent infrastructure, multi-language support for group company or subsidiaries are just some of these; Here is  the news . what?   ySense!   yeeah!

Low-Code ve No-Code Trendlerinin Yükselişi

Kodlama dünyasında iki trend yükselişte. Bir yanda Low-Code, diğer yanda No-Code platformlar. Low-code no-code trendi oldukça yeni bir trend ve bu konuda sektörde özellikle müşterilerde ciddi bir kafa karışıklığı var. Öncelikle low-no code’u çıkışına bir bakalım; Low/No-code yapıları, geleneksel kodlama dillerinden farklı olarak hazır birtakım elementler ve sürükle-bırakla çalışan bir yapıya sahipler. Böylece kullanıcılar, çocukların oyun bloklarıyla bir şeyler inşa etmesine benzer bir serbestliğe ve hayal güçlerini daha özgürce kullanma imkanına sahip oldu. Bugün bu sayede daha çok insan daha çok sayıda ve hızda uygulama geliştirebiliyor. Low code ile no code geliştirme arasında nasıl bir seçim yapmalısınız? Öncelikle ikisinin arasında temel bazı farklar var. Şöyle ki; Hazırlanacak uygulamanın başka sistemlerle veri alışverişinde bulunması ya da talebe göre özelleştirme, ek geliştirme ihtiyacının doğması durumunda bir şekilde kodlamaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır. Bu durumda Low-cod...

Rise of Low-Code and No-Code Trends

Two trends in the coding world are on the rise. Low-Code on the one hand and No-Code platforms on the other. The low-code no-code trend is quite a new trend, and there is a serious confusion in the industry, especially among customers. First, let’s take a look at the low-no code output; Low / No-code structures, unlike traditional coding languages, have some ready-made elements and a drag-and-drop structure. In this way, users had the freedom to use their imagination more freely, similar to how children build something with game blocks. Thanks to this, more and more people can develop applications with more and more speed. What choice should you choose between low code and no code development? First of all, there are some basic differences between the two. Namely; You will need some form of coding if the application to be prepared exchanges data with other systems or in case of need for customization or additional development according to demand. In this case, Low-code developmen...

Low-Code Development in BPM

The demand for sophisticated enterprise applications is on the rise. With Emakin to switch to the low-code development environment and get your demand with accelerated pace of delivery. Rapid Development  Develop applications rapidly through Emakin BPM’s low-code nature , as designing the process graphically and using  model-driven methodology. Development Today Software is developed by creating a concept model and then transforming the model into source code. The source code of an application lacks the clarity of the model and it is often hard to understand the original intention. Programmers must constantly «wrap» and «unwrap» domain concepts into code constructs and vice versa. This is an error-prone process. Low Code – Development Tomorrow Implement software with an explicit graphical process model. Directly implement an application’s process model. Intentional programming when creating software. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) as a general architecture mo...