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Showing posts from July 28, 2019

ROME - The City Of The Kingdom, Republic and Empire.

The place we planned for our honeymoon trip with Gülnur was Rome. This plan was exciting because we both loved the history, Mediterranean culture and tastes, and indeed our trip was like that. Naturally, we compared Rome to Istanbul in many ways, at which point Rome might disappoint you; so I wouldn't recommend it. I still have to say this; When you compare Istanbul with Rome, you will see that Istanbul remains like a "space city". When you see the airport, train station, subways, trains and buses, you can come to you to give alms to the people by crying and crying. But! When it comes to history, the roles are changing suddenly. Yes, of course there are places that got their share from the sack; for example the Colosseum. However, after seeing Rome about keeping the history alive and preserving, you can sit next to a sidewalk for Istanbul and cry over your bosom "Vahaleeeey". Here are the travel notes; Fontana di Trevi  Or the "Fountain of Love&quo