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How Do You Strengthen Your Immune System?

First of all, you should know that you cannot strengthen your immune system by taking a single drug, pill or eating something.

There is more than one thing you need to do to keep the immune system, a complex system, strong against viruses and bacteria that cause disease. The first of these is the lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle already includes many measures.

Eat Properly. How Does?
Do not drink fruit / vegetable juice, eat them! Do not overdo the vitamins. We already get most of the vitamins in such a diet. Moreover, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that the body does not store. Remember that every extra vitamin is an additional load on the kidneys.

There are more bacteria in our body than living cells. This should not scare you because most of the bacteria are useful creatures. The bacteria in our skin, throat, and especially our intestinal flora, fight to protect our health without getting tired every day (they actually get tired and die, but they do their job without giving up). Most of the time they even try to "despite us" for us.

It is known that we have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria in our body, especially our intestinal bacteria. For a strong intestinal flora, it is necessary to take high-fiber foods, legumes, fermented foods (fermented milk, vegetables, bread products) and as many foods as possible.

At this point, there is no common view of the benefits of bacterial-based fermented foods such as pickles, kefir, and yogurt. The problem is that the beneficial bacteria in these foods manage to go through digestion and stay inside long enough to benefit us. Remember I said "despite us" a little ahead! Despite us, it is about smoking, drinking alcohol, not eating various foods by saying "I don't like", and belittle regular sleep.

Do not smoke, reduce alcohol.
According to a study, a group of 55 to 79 year old non-smoking amateur bikers showed that young people still have immune systems. Stop smoking or reduce it. Quitting at first can be very ambitious. Most of those who do this start back. Try systematically reducing it instead. Determine the daily consumption figure and follow it. Keep this figure for a while (for example, 1 week). Decrease this figure by one next week. In this way, you can achieve a definite win by running a sustainable war by gradually reducing it every week.

Intensive use of alcohol is known to destroy immune cells. Additionally, alcohol consumption destroys macrophage protective cells and lymphocyte cells that produce antibodies that protect and defend the body against disease.

Reduce the Use of Cosmetics
We also have a protective bacterial flora on our skin and we should take care of it. Although there is not much information about them yet, they are our first protective shield against external attacks. There are even some people who connect the bacteria in our skin flora to the reason why some people's meals are tastier than others. In addition, ultraviolet rays (unprotected exposure to excessive sun), anibacterial soaps (although still restricted in many countries in Europe and America are still free to use), and of course cosmetic products destroy our skin flora.

The Power of Regular Sleep
Get used to an average of 7 hours of sleep. It is known that the immune system renews itself especially in children and adolescents during deep sleep. It is your priority to try to eliminate any conditions that prevent healthy sleep (high room temperature, excessive humid / dry air of the room, nasal congestion, snoring, etc.). Because without holes and good sleep can be more effective than any type of medication for your immune system to recover.

Manage Stress Well
Put aside unrealistic suggestions like stay away from stress. Stress is part of life and sometimes necessary. The important thing is to manage stress well. Take, for example, a business problem. If it's something you can fix today, think about it. But if it's not something you can fix today, it's not good for your health. I'm not saying forget the problem. Just throw it into the background of your mind until it's time and focus on solving today's problem.

You must exercise.
Whether you're working in the office, there are short, few minutes of exercises that you can do while sitting or in a narrow place. You can find it in Youtuba.
Physical fitness, sports and exercise are very important. White blood cells circulate in our body, thanks to our exercise we increase our blood flow. In this way, they can more easily detect threats anywhere in our body.

We had touched on the issue of stress. It is also a fact that sports or exercise reduces stress. Some stress hormones can suppress immunity. Therefore, it is very important to manage stress well, and exercise or exercise.

Let us remind you again about coronavirus; It is mostly spread by droplet transmission. That's why hygiene is important. Wash your hands with non-antibacterial normal soap. In case of cough and sneeze, you should definitely wipe, sneeze on the sleeve of the clothes or cough.
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