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When Was The Last Time You Used Matches?

When was the last time you really used matches? The match became an almost unused object. Still, you won't believe it when you see the price of some matches. Of course, most of them are so expensive because they have historical value, that is, they now turn into antiques or collectibles. Here are a few examples of them; Introducing the world's most expensive matchbox. The price is 6.000 USD . It was prepared as a souvenir for one of the famous dinner parties of Charles Lindbergh, one of the famous figures of the 20s. By the way, 4 matches were missing.  Details Here is another work of art; This matchbox from the 1930s went on sale at an auction price starting from 2.000 USD .  It contains 40 matches. The matchbox was prepared in Germany with lithograph printing. Lets See By the way, there are a few more examples. Although these have no historical value. But they are quite assertive on some issues. Eg; UCO Stormproof Matches . The price is not much 8 ...

World Record Came From Arabian Desert

One of the interesting Guinness record of 2020 has came from Saudi Arabia as an architecture field. The name of the building is Maraya. (Meanwhile, Maraya means "mirrors" in Arabic) The feature of the building built in the desert is that it is completely glass coated and the largest building in this area. The main purpose of using a mirror here was to reflect the natural beauty of the desert. The building is an activity center. In other words, it will provide services for both business and arts and cultural events. Let's come to the record part of the business; The building has achieved the Guinness record as the largest mirrored building in the world, measuring 9,740 square meters. For the full story; Guiness Record what?   ySense!   yeeah!

Steamed Glasses Problem When Wearing Mask

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, it is very important to go around the world with a mask today. There is a serious problem for people who wear glasses alone; Fogging of the lenses due to the mask. So how can we solve this problem without using anti-fog spray? There is an interesting video about this. In fact, the solution may be simpler than you think; In short, if you pull the mask as high as possible, to the lower limit of your eye, it works. Try it, will it work? what?   ySense!   yeeah!

A New BPM Perspective is Coming to Europe with 6Kare and Nuru-Tech Cooperation

Nuru-Tech, founded with the vision of bringing Turkish flexibility and European quality understanding together, is a bridge between the European business world and Turkish software companies. Accordingly, 6Kare Teknoloji and Nuru-Tech have signed a business partnership for the Emakin BPM product, which can meet the growing need for BPM (Business Process Management) software in the European business world. A photo from February, beautiful days without a virus. It is a fact that in the European business world, some basic needs in business process management are now an urgent need. For example, low-code architecture for increasing integration and additional development needs in parallel with growing company structure and business volume. Also, multi-tanent infrastructure, multi-language support for group company or subsidiaries are just some of these; Here is  the news . what?   ySense!   yeeah!

How Did Covid-19 Affected to Turkey

I would like to share some pictures from Kadıköy , one of the most crowded districts of Istanbul . There is a very quiet Saturday evening in Kadıköy, which is one of the most visited districts of Istanbul due to the large number of entertainment venues, especially on Saturday evenings. In the end, after many warnings from the authorities, people under the age of 18 and over 60 were forbidden to go out onto the streets, people began to realize the seriousness of the business and the streets were a bit empty. what?   ySense!   yeeah!

Low-Code ve No-Code Trendlerinin Yükselişi

Kodlama dünyasında iki trend yükselişte. Bir yanda Low-Code, diğer yanda No-Code platformlar. Low-code no-code trendi oldukça yeni bir trend ve bu konuda sektörde özellikle müşterilerde ciddi bir kafa karışıklığı var. Öncelikle low-no code’u çıkışına bir bakalım; Low/No-code yapıları, geleneksel kodlama dillerinden farklı olarak hazır birtakım elementler ve sürükle-bırakla çalışan bir yapıya sahipler. Böylece kullanıcılar, çocukların oyun bloklarıyla bir şeyler inşa etmesine benzer bir serbestliğe ve hayal güçlerini daha özgürce kullanma imkanına sahip oldu. Bugün bu sayede daha çok insan daha çok sayıda ve hızda uygulama geliştirebiliyor. Low code ile no code geliştirme arasında nasıl bir seçim yapmalısınız? Öncelikle ikisinin arasında temel bazı farklar var. Şöyle ki; Hazırlanacak uygulamanın başka sistemlerle veri alışverişinde bulunması ya da talebe göre özelleştirme, ek geliştirme ihtiyacının doğması durumunda bir şekilde kodlamaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır. Bu durumda Low-cod...

How Do You Strengthen Your Immune System?

First of all, you should know that you cannot strengthen your immune system by taking a single drug, pill or eating something. There is more than one thing you need to do to keep the immune system, a complex system, strong against viruses and bacteria that cause disease. The first of these is the lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle already includes many measures. Eat Properly. How Does? Do not drink fruit / vegetable juice, eat them! Do not overdo the vitamins. We already get most of the vitamins in such a diet. Moreover, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that the body does not store. Remember that every extra vitamin is an additional load on the kidneys. There are more bacteria in our body than living cells. This should not scare you because most of the bacteria are useful creatures. The bacteria in our skin, throat, and especially our intestinal flora, fight to protect our health without getting tired every day (they actually get tired and die, but they do their job w...