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How Did Covid-19 Affected to Turkey

I would like to share some pictures from Kadıköy , one of the most crowded districts of Istanbul . There is a very quiet Saturday evening in Kadıköy, which is one of the most visited districts of Istanbul due to the large number of entertainment venues, especially on Saturday evenings. In the end, after many warnings from the authorities, people under the age of 18 and over 60 were forbidden to go out onto the streets, people began to realize the seriousness of the business and the streets were a bit empty. what?   ySense!   yeeah!

Low-Code ve No-Code Trendlerinin Yükselişi

Kodlama dünyasında iki trend yükselişte. Bir yanda Low-Code, diğer yanda No-Code platformlar. Low-code no-code trendi oldukça yeni bir trend ve bu konuda sektörde özellikle müşterilerde ciddi bir kafa karışıklığı var. Öncelikle low-no code’u çıkışına bir bakalım; Low/No-code yapıları, geleneksel kodlama dillerinden farklı olarak hazır birtakım elementler ve sürükle-bırakla çalışan bir yapıya sahipler. Böylece kullanıcılar, çocukların oyun bloklarıyla bir şeyler inşa etmesine benzer bir serbestliğe ve hayal güçlerini daha özgürce kullanma imkanına sahip oldu. Bugün bu sayede daha çok insan daha çok sayıda ve hızda uygulama geliştirebiliyor. Low code ile no code geliştirme arasında nasıl bir seçim yapmalısınız? Öncelikle ikisinin arasında temel bazı farklar var. Şöyle ki; Hazırlanacak uygulamanın başka sistemlerle veri alışverişinde bulunması ya da talebe göre özelleştirme, ek geliştirme ihtiyacının doğması durumunda bir şekilde kodlamaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır. Bu durumda Low-cod...

How Do You Strengthen Your Immune System?

First of all, you should know that you cannot strengthen your immune system by taking a single drug, pill or eating something. There is more than one thing you need to do to keep the immune system, a complex system, strong against viruses and bacteria that cause disease. The first of these is the lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle already includes many measures. Eat Properly. How Does? Do not drink fruit / vegetable juice, eat them! Do not overdo the vitamins. We already get most of the vitamins in such a diet. Moreover, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that the body does not store. Remember that every extra vitamin is an additional load on the kidneys. There are more bacteria in our body than living cells. This should not scare you because most of the bacteria are useful creatures. The bacteria in our skin, throat, and especially our intestinal flora, fight to protect our health without getting tired every day (they actually get tired and die, but they do their job w...

Covid-19 Realities

In this days, everybody has a same question? How can protect yourself from covid-19 or corona virus? Lets share what we know so far;  Let's see the clues of diseases. People may experience: *  Runny nose * Sore throat * Cough * Fever * Difficulty breathing (severe cases) Ther e're very useful info into the  WHO website about CoronaVirus  (Covid-19) . Please check them out and lets share them with everyone. They're publishing daily situation report about the disease and effects of Corona in around the world. You can follow the daily report from here . Myths About CoronaVirus (From knowledge of WHO organisation): Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the new coronavirus. COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates . Taking a hot bath does not prevent the new coronavirus disease. The new coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through mosquito bites. UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas...

State of Digital Transformation in 2020

(AIIA) The Artificial Intelligence & Intelligent Automation Network has published 2020 digital transformation survey results; " State of Digital Transformation 2020". They got answers from survey respondents about their enterprise’s 2019 digital transformation journey and also what tehy expect for 2020. AIIA also have got the answer of participants about their digital transformation initiatives, digital transformation regrets, challenges in investing in new technologies, their mood regarding the digital transformation landscape. Ok, who's the participants of the survey? They're the from Enterprise Digitalization, the Enterprise Mobility Exchange, the AI Intelligent Automation Network and others who are responsible for identifying what is next in business technology for an enterprise. Lets look at the some of the Questions & Answers;  Which digital transformation concern keeps them up at night? Top 3 answers; Cyber security 44.87% Not having enough...

French Press Kahve En güzel Nasıl Yapılır - How to Make French Press Coffee Properly

French press kahve yapımı ile ilgili birçok farklı tarif var. Bunlar biraz da kişiden kişiye değişiyor tabi. Nihayetinde bu iş zevk meselesi. Videosunu yukarıdan izleyebilirsiniz. Ben bu tarifi kendime daha yakın buldum. Şöyle ki; There are many different recipes for French press coffee making. Of course, these recipes are changing one person to another. Ultimately, this is a matter of taste. You can watch to video above. I felt this recipe more closer to me. Lets see;   1- Suyu kaynat. (Kireçli çeşme suyu kullanma! Bir de bazı yerlerde dediği gibi kaynar suyun biraz ılımasını bekleme! Hemen dök kahvenin üzerine. Boil the water. (Don't use lime tap water! Don't wait for some boiling water to warm up a bit as you say in some places! Pour it over the coffee. 2- Kahvenin üzerinde kaynar suyu döktükten sonra 4 dk bir şey yapmadan bekle! After pouring boiling water over the coffee, wait 4 minutes without doing anything! 3- Al eline kaşığı biraz karıştır. Üzerinde b...

Lets Eat Lahmacun

One of the best Lahmacun place in the Istanbul is Dayım restaurant in Acıbadem. You should try it! They're cooking it in their brick oven. So it's very thin and crispy. You got some options from menu. But not so many. There're some kind of Lahmacun options like normal, with pepper, child version. Also, certainly you should try to çiğ köfte (raw-meatball). Its not include meat by the way. So all the vegetarians can eat safily. Technology Blog Directory what?   ySense!   yeeah!