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Wow! These Are New!

Lets see the trends of this week in digital world with StackShare: OrbitDB Databases Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web Repman Hosted Package Repository Free private PHP package repository manager Yellowbrick Machine Learning Tools Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate machine learning model selection. Amazon AppFlow Big Data Tools Securely integrate apps and automate data flows at any scale, without code Flux CD Container Tools The GitOps operator for Kubernetes what?   ySense!   yeeah!

Verimli İşlerin Anahtarı: Verimli İş Süreçleri

Günümüzün önemli konularından biri de iş verimliliği. Herkes bu konuya kendi penceresinden çözümler üretmeye çalışıyor. Aslında iş verimliliğinin sağlanması, ölçümü, sürdürülebilirliği için ihtiyaç duyduğunuz birçok şey, BPM (iş süreçleri yönetimi) ile altın tepside önünüze geliyor. İş Süreçleri Yönetimi , bize süreçlerimizin nasıl işlediğini, varsa aksayan noktaları, harcanan zaman ve emeği gösteren bir metodolojidir. İşin daha da önemlisi, oluşan güvenilir veriler sayesinde ileriye dönük daha doğru projeksiyonlar yapabiliriz. Sürekli iyileştirme ve Sürekli Gelişim Yani özünde BPM, bir işletmede işlerin daha verimli üretildiği bir sürekli iyileştirme ( Continuous Improvement ) yaklaşımıdır. Kritik noktalardan biri de sürekli gelişimin sağlanması. Bunun için, iş birimleriyle birlikte sürecin yakından izlenerek aksayan noktaları tespit etmek, kök nedenlerini araştırmak, bulunan çözüm neticesinde sürecin yeni versiyonunu hazırlamak gerekiyor. Bazen sadece sürecin yalınlaştırılm...

Basic Knife Skills From Chef Mike

 I found a very useful video in Youtube. Which is about very helpful in these days, when we're stucked at home. Especially if you like to hanging arouınd in the kitchen and love to cooking. Chef Mike is teaching how to use knife proeperly when cut, chope or some actions like that in the kitchen. Like, how you must use your fingers when you're using knife without cut yourself. Amazing right! Funny! what?   ySense!   yeeah!

The World Is Flat

In today’s world where literally the borders have been lifted, everywhere and everyone has become accessible. That is the point of the “The World Is Flat”. Some of our customers ask where the slogan “The World Is Flat” under our logo comes from. That the story its based on the book “ The World Is Flat ” published by the author Thomas L. Friedman in 2005. The book is telling us how the globalization has accelerated with the technological leaps that started in the 21st century and how this reflected on the business life. Well, a few centuries ago, the world was thought to be a flat place. With the developing mind, it was discovered that the world is actually a sphere and the subject is closed. Until the 21st century. In the 21st century, the term globalizing world became an understanding that everyone accepted. With the developing technology, it has become very easy to communicate and do business with anywhere in the world. That’s why, ironically, the world has turned into a f...

Reduce Virus Contact Risk with Google Maps

Places like markets, restaurants, bakeries are still risky places. Still, we still have to go there. At this point, Google Maps can be very useful. Nowadays, because of the Covid-19 virus, we have started to pay more attention to our going to crowded places. Places like markets, restaurants, bakeries are still risky places because of the places where people are collectively. Still, we still have to go here. At this point, Google Maps can be very useful. Because you can see how concentrated any place is now. Open Google Maps from the browser, mobile device or app. Then find and select the venue you want to go to. In the menu on the left, you will see information about the location you have chosen. One of them is the Popular Times / popular watches section. The red " LIVE " icon shows instant density information at the location. You can also see this graphically. In addition, in the graph, you can see at what times of the day the density peaked or the averag...

Most Weirdest Foods From Asia

Food is both life saving and one of the most enjoyable things of life. But sometimes it can darken our lives. Remember how the Covid-19 virus got infected! This year is a nightmare for bats, and even Batman seems to harden his distorted images. At this point, let's take a look at Asia's famous but western strange foods; CHICKEN FEET (They were once created for dancing!) You can find it in many countries in Asia. Whether you buy it raw and cook it yourself, get it cooked. Why not! You can order from here! WASP COOKIES (The delicious buzz in your mouth) A cookie recipe that you can easily make at home; First wasps are caught first. Then a nice boil. Then it is beautifully dried in the oven or under the sun. Then, the cookie prepared from rice is mixed with flour. Finally, it is baked in a cookie machine similar to a waffle machine and becomes a cookie. MENTAIKO (My babieeeess!) Mentaiko is actually cod egg. It is eaten salty and sometimes spicy. It is sa...

Latest Status of Vulnerabilities in Zoom

Due to Covid-19, the situation of working remotely is spreading all over the world. As a natural consequence of this, the use of video conferencing software is also increasing. One of the most used software in this area is Zoom. It has become a favorite of many users in a short time with its features such as Zoom, easy usage and virtual background. However, with the detection of security holes recently, black shadows fell on the application. Of course, Zoom published a statement in a short time; A Message to Our Users . The article talks about the large number of users reached in a short time due to the developments; "We also feel an immense responsibility. Usage of Zoom has ballooned overnight – far surpassing what we expected when we first announced our desire to help in late February. This includes over 90,000 schools across 20 countries that have taken us up on our offer to help children continue their education remotely. To put this growth in context, as of the end ...